Saturday 24 November 2012

GHG inventory continued (part4)


Like most other sectors mentioned in my blog (except agricultural sector) carbon dioxide is the dominant GHG in the residential sector (dominated by stationary combustion) of UK emits 15 percent of the total GHG’s (2010).

Emissions from different sources need a different approach while estimating amount of emissions (follow certain guidelines mostly IPCC and UNECE), like the domestic fuel combustion (from heating and cooking) emissions are calculated from the activity (fuel use) and emission factor. Emissions from aerosols, metered dose inhalers (MDI) are based on numerical data (HFC content in aerosols, quantity released during manufacturing, use, disposal etc) of HFC’s while the same approach is used for the breakdown of consumer products (soaps, detergents), except estimates of carbon are used.

The projections of the DECC’s Updated Energy and Emissions Projections (2011, 2012) state that emissions are expected to decrease by 23 percent by 2025.


·         UK GHG Inventory:
·         UK GHG National Statistics:
·         UK Updated Energy Projections:
·         DUKES:
·         BAMA:

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